Lake Stewardship Links
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
The Ministry contributes to three of the government’s four key opportunities. Unleashing Innovation, Competing in a Global Marketplace and Making Alberta the Best Place to Live, Work and Visit. The primary focus of Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development is on Government of Alberta Goal 1, Alberta will have a diversified and prosperous economy under the key opportunity of Unleashing Innovation. The Ministry achieves this by working with others to promote prosperity for Alberta through a strong, competitive, sustainable agriculture and food industry.
Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society (ACTWS)
ACTWS is dedicated to wise stewardship of natural resources and to sound management practices of wildlife populations and habitat. Where possible, the Chapter will advise Albertans, the government and industry about the value of wildlife and ecosystems and the various land use practices that affect our natural heritage.
Alberta Conservation Association (ACA)
Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) is a non profit, non government association working collaboratively to conserve and enhance Alberta's wildlife, fisheries and habitat.
Alberta Environment FAQ about the Lakes
These frequently asked questions (FAQs) cover common questions as well as problems and issues about lakes.
Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS)
The purpose of the Society is to promote understanding and comprehensive management of lakes and reservoirs and their watersheds. We work to build understanding and awareness among Albertans for responsible management of lakes, reservoirs and their watersheds through programs and information sharing. LakeWatch is a volunteer based monitoring program whereby locals drive ALMS technicians on their boats to collect water quality data using Alberta government protocols. The AWQA program distributes water test kits to increase awareness and understanding of water quality, while also promoting stewardship and personal involvement in the protection of our lakes. The society works directly with lake communities to help develop watershed management plans and hosts a workshop in a different community each year. ALMS also serves as the Lake Environment Conservation representative on the Alberta Water Council.
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (SRD)
Albertans across the province enjoy a great abundance of natural resources. Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) works with Albertans across the province to ensure a balance between the economic, environmental and social values of our province. We fight forest fires, manage fish and wildlife, oversee the development of Alberta's forests, and manage the use of public lands.
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development's core business includes fish and wildlife management, which involves: " Protecting Alberta's fish and wildlife through effective legislation, regulation and enforcement programs. " Assessing the status of fish and wildlife populations and manages species to ensure populations are sustained. " Developing regulations, provincial management plans and management programs for recreational hunting, trapping, outfitting-guiding, game farming and wildlife in captivity.
Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA)
The Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) defends Wild Alberta through awareness and action. As the oldest wilderness conservation group in the Province of Alberta dedicated to conservation and the completion of a network of protected areas including wilderness lands and waters throughout Alberta, the association has a clear vision and mandate.
The AWA remains Alberta's frontline advocacy organization advancing the establishment of protected areas; all done through the coordination of its grassroots work with that done at the provincial and national levels. It has also tenaciously striven for better public policy for the conservation, management and ecologically sustainable use of all public lands, waters and wildlife in Alberta. Virtually all of Alberta's waters, all of its wildlife and 73 percent of the land are public.
Cows and Fish: Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society
The Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society - "Cows and Fish" is striving to foster a better understanding on how improvements in grazing management on riparian areas can enhance landscape health and productivity, for the benefit of cattle producers and others who use and value riparian areas.
We are available to help cattle producers and communities: understand riparian area functions and values; examine and monitor the health of their riparian areas; and evaluate and suggest management strategies.
Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC)
Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) - a national, private, non-profit organization - is Canada's Conservation Company. DUC has been committed to wetland conservation for more than 65 years. DUC's conservation efforts take many forms. On-the-ground work is guided by the wetland and environmental research of DUC's scientists. DUC works to change policy in favour of wetland and habitat conservation. DUC also delivers wetland and environmental education programs to teach Canadians about wetlands and the need to conserve them.
Water for Life: Alberta's Strategy for SustainabilityWater for Life: Alberta's Strategy for Sustainability is the Government of Alberta's response to develop a new water management approach and outline specific strategies and actions to address the province's water issues.
The Water For Life strategy is based on three key goals, or outcomes: safe, secure drinking water supply; healthy aquatic ecosystems; and reliable, quality water supplies for a sustainable economy.
Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPACs)
WPACs are important stewards of Alberta's major watersheds. They are independent, non-profit organizations that are designated by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development to assess the condition of their watershed and prepare plans to address watershed issues. They also conduct education and stewardship activities throughout their watershed. WPACs typically include representatives of key stakeholders in the watershed, including provincial, municipal and federal governments, important industrial sectors, conservation groups, and aboriginal communities. They engage watershed residents in their work and seek consensus on solutions to watershed issues.
Nature Alberta
Nature Alberta is a federation of natural history organizations operating in Alberta.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Canadian Waters
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Fish Habitat Management Program plays a pivotal role in the conservation and protection of fish habitat in Canada. With staff in over 65 offices across Canada, staff are involved in reviews of works and undertakings in or near water; monitoring compliance and enforcing the habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act; watershed and coastal zone planning; habitat enhancement; public education and stewardship. The Program works closely with provinces, territories, industry and conservation and aboriginal groups on protecting and conserving fish habitat and has responsibility to report to Parliament annually on the administration and enforcement of the habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act.
One of the key objectives of the policy is to "increase the natural productive capacity of habitats for the nation's fisheries resources" otherwise known as "Net Gain", through conservation, restoration, and development of fish habitat.
Healthy Shorelines
A group of representatives from various conservation agencies and local and provincial government departments came together in fall 1999 to discuss concerns, opportunities, and the potential for working together and with communities to bring about environmentally friendly land use practices in riparian areas and the overall watershed. From that fall meeting a "Core" group of people and agencies "teamed up" to determine just how they wanted to approach this challenge. The Core group accepted that they would be required to provide the day-to-day leadership of this initiative as well as have the primary role in its development and implementation. Also, the Core group recognized that to tackle this challenge they needed a lot of help in a wide range of interests and knowledge. As a result the Core group established two additional levels of partnering for this initiative. The resulting group was called the Vincent Lake Work Group (VLWG). The group offers tools that will help communities with their present and future needs in managing riparian areas and their watersheds
Trout Unlimited Canada Alberta Council
The Alberta Council is the Alberta branch of Trout Unlimited Canada, and is dedicated to the conservation and wise management of coldwater resources in Alberta. The Alberta Council consists of representatives of each Chapter in Alberta, as well as Members-at-Large. The Council aims to address issues directly affecting Alberta's fisheries and watersheds through proactive yet cooperative approaches. The Alberta Council's conservation program includes research, habitat restoration and enhancement, management and public education.
The Ministry contributes to three of the government’s four key opportunities. Unleashing Innovation, Competing in a Global Marketplace and Making Alberta the Best Place to Live, Work and Visit. The primary focus of Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development is on Government of Alberta Goal 1, Alberta will have a diversified and prosperous economy under the key opportunity of Unleashing Innovation. The Ministry achieves this by working with others to promote prosperity for Alberta through a strong, competitive, sustainable agriculture and food industry.
Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society (ACTWS)
ACTWS is dedicated to wise stewardship of natural resources and to sound management practices of wildlife populations and habitat. Where possible, the Chapter will advise Albertans, the government and industry about the value of wildlife and ecosystems and the various land use practices that affect our natural heritage.
Alberta Conservation Association (ACA)
Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) is a non profit, non government association working collaboratively to conserve and enhance Alberta's wildlife, fisheries and habitat.
Alberta Environment FAQ about the Lakes
These frequently asked questions (FAQs) cover common questions as well as problems and issues about lakes.
Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS)
The purpose of the Society is to promote understanding and comprehensive management of lakes and reservoirs and their watersheds. We work to build understanding and awareness among Albertans for responsible management of lakes, reservoirs and their watersheds through programs and information sharing. LakeWatch is a volunteer based monitoring program whereby locals drive ALMS technicians on their boats to collect water quality data using Alberta government protocols. The AWQA program distributes water test kits to increase awareness and understanding of water quality, while also promoting stewardship and personal involvement in the protection of our lakes. The society works directly with lake communities to help develop watershed management plans and hosts a workshop in a different community each year. ALMS also serves as the Lake Environment Conservation representative on the Alberta Water Council.
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (SRD)
Albertans across the province enjoy a great abundance of natural resources. Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) works with Albertans across the province to ensure a balance between the economic, environmental and social values of our province. We fight forest fires, manage fish and wildlife, oversee the development of Alberta's forests, and manage the use of public lands.
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development's core business includes fish and wildlife management, which involves: " Protecting Alberta's fish and wildlife through effective legislation, regulation and enforcement programs. " Assessing the status of fish and wildlife populations and manages species to ensure populations are sustained. " Developing regulations, provincial management plans and management programs for recreational hunting, trapping, outfitting-guiding, game farming and wildlife in captivity.
Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA)
The Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) defends Wild Alberta through awareness and action. As the oldest wilderness conservation group in the Province of Alberta dedicated to conservation and the completion of a network of protected areas including wilderness lands and waters throughout Alberta, the association has a clear vision and mandate.
The AWA remains Alberta's frontline advocacy organization advancing the establishment of protected areas; all done through the coordination of its grassroots work with that done at the provincial and national levels. It has also tenaciously striven for better public policy for the conservation, management and ecologically sustainable use of all public lands, waters and wildlife in Alberta. Virtually all of Alberta's waters, all of its wildlife and 73 percent of the land are public.
Cows and Fish: Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society
The Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society - "Cows and Fish" is striving to foster a better understanding on how improvements in grazing management on riparian areas can enhance landscape health and productivity, for the benefit of cattle producers and others who use and value riparian areas.
We are available to help cattle producers and communities: understand riparian area functions and values; examine and monitor the health of their riparian areas; and evaluate and suggest management strategies.
Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC)
Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) - a national, private, non-profit organization - is Canada's Conservation Company. DUC has been committed to wetland conservation for more than 65 years. DUC's conservation efforts take many forms. On-the-ground work is guided by the wetland and environmental research of DUC's scientists. DUC works to change policy in favour of wetland and habitat conservation. DUC also delivers wetland and environmental education programs to teach Canadians about wetlands and the need to conserve them.
Water for Life: Alberta's Strategy for SustainabilityWater for Life: Alberta's Strategy for Sustainability is the Government of Alberta's response to develop a new water management approach and outline specific strategies and actions to address the province's water issues.
The Water For Life strategy is based on three key goals, or outcomes: safe, secure drinking water supply; healthy aquatic ecosystems; and reliable, quality water supplies for a sustainable economy.
Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPACs)
WPACs are important stewards of Alberta's major watersheds. They are independent, non-profit organizations that are designated by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development to assess the condition of their watershed and prepare plans to address watershed issues. They also conduct education and stewardship activities throughout their watershed. WPACs typically include representatives of key stakeholders in the watershed, including provincial, municipal and federal governments, important industrial sectors, conservation groups, and aboriginal communities. They engage watershed residents in their work and seek consensus on solutions to watershed issues.
Nature Alberta
Nature Alberta is a federation of natural history organizations operating in Alberta.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Canadian Waters
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Fish Habitat Management Program plays a pivotal role in the conservation and protection of fish habitat in Canada. With staff in over 65 offices across Canada, staff are involved in reviews of works and undertakings in or near water; monitoring compliance and enforcing the habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act; watershed and coastal zone planning; habitat enhancement; public education and stewardship. The Program works closely with provinces, territories, industry and conservation and aboriginal groups on protecting and conserving fish habitat and has responsibility to report to Parliament annually on the administration and enforcement of the habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act.
One of the key objectives of the policy is to "increase the natural productive capacity of habitats for the nation's fisheries resources" otherwise known as "Net Gain", through conservation, restoration, and development of fish habitat.
Healthy Shorelines
A group of representatives from various conservation agencies and local and provincial government departments came together in fall 1999 to discuss concerns, opportunities, and the potential for working together and with communities to bring about environmentally friendly land use practices in riparian areas and the overall watershed. From that fall meeting a "Core" group of people and agencies "teamed up" to determine just how they wanted to approach this challenge. The Core group accepted that they would be required to provide the day-to-day leadership of this initiative as well as have the primary role in its development and implementation. Also, the Core group recognized that to tackle this challenge they needed a lot of help in a wide range of interests and knowledge. As a result the Core group established two additional levels of partnering for this initiative. The resulting group was called the Vincent Lake Work Group (VLWG). The group offers tools that will help communities with their present and future needs in managing riparian areas and their watersheds
Trout Unlimited Canada Alberta Council
The Alberta Council is the Alberta branch of Trout Unlimited Canada, and is dedicated to the conservation and wise management of coldwater resources in Alberta. The Alberta Council consists of representatives of each Chapter in Alberta, as well as Members-at-Large. The Council aims to address issues directly affecting Alberta's fisheries and watersheds through proactive yet cooperative approaches. The Alberta Council's conservation program includes research, habitat restoration and enhancement, management and public education.
Living Lakes Canada
Living Lakes Canada is a national network whose mission is to enhance the protection, restoration, rehabilitation and health of lakes, wetlands, rivers, other water bodies, and watersheds in Canada.
Land Stewardship Centre
Land Stewardship Centre brings people together to work on common priorities for achieving sustainability on the landscape. We envision a society that demonstrates a stewardship ethic and an understanding of healthy ecosystems in its land-use practices.